The Wisdom of 2 Crochet Chickens
September 1.
Last year while I was living in Florence, I visited a small thrift shop on my way back home from my Italian class.
Even if I don’t buy anything, I always enjoy stopping by thrift stores… For me, they are like little fortune houses: a mixture of things from all origins having the same trajectory of fate and ending up at the exact same place and time.
In the store was a little old lady behind the cash register who said “buongiorno“ to me, and I looked around. After a couple seconds though, I could tell that I probably wouldn’t find anything for myself there.
After a quick look around, I was about to walk back out when something bright yellow in the corner caught my attention. I walked over to it, and picked it up.
As soon as I had it in my hands, I felt a surge of loving and warm energy pass through me, and I realised that I didn’t want to put it back down!
It was a little basket with two chickens in it, all made of crochet. I couldn’t tell what it was that made me love them so much.
“How much are these? And who made them?“ I asked the little lady behind the counter.
„Umm..,” she said a little surprised, “the basket is.. 5€, and both of the chickens together are 10€. I don’t know exactly who made it, but there’s a group of older ladies that crochet things together and then donate their work to us. We then donate the proceeds to different organisations.”
“That must be one of the cutest things ever,” I thought.
I bought them immediately.
After I paid, I proudly rode straight across Florence with these chickens on the front of my bike and a huge smile on my face.
This story sounds kind of random, but there’s a reason why I am choosing to share this for the month of September.
After having the chickens on my nightstand for over a year now and being happy literally every time I see them, the lesson that I have learned from them is quite clear:
Seeing things that make me feel love and joy makes me feel more loving and joyous.
If we surround ourselves with an environment that makes us feel joyful and gives us energy, our minds will have the space to manifest a future that brings us even more of that. Even if the things that bring us joy are as random as a crochet chicken basket.
Of course it’s not only about the physical belongings that surround us, but also all forms of input that we let into ourselves; the things we hear, see, think, and experience every day. It all has an effect on our spirit.
Here are some questions for September inspired by two crochet chickens. (Feel free to write your answers down and make a list for yourself):
Do the objects I daily see and my environment give me energy and joy, and inspire me to become my envisioned future self? (What are the things that make me feel that joy, and what things don't?)
Do the things I hear and am told each day inspire me, and bring my life positivity and pureness? (ex: social media, television, news, people in my life) .. What does, and what doesn't?
At what moments of the day do I feel the least connected to myself (i.e. the most stressed)? What am I doing in those moments, and how can I change my life to have less and less of them?
By carefully watching where our heart feels joy and following that, we get closer and closer to living a life where we live more in our hearts instead of in our minds.
I wish you all a beautiful new month of September and love you all so much,