A Startling Vision
I had a vision.
I entered into a large, enclosed room. At first I didn’t see anything, but as I looked closer, I saw movement in the shadows at the other side.. Then I saw stripes, and heard powerful breath. I realized… I was sharing the room with a tiger.
Panic swept through my body. I frantically glanced behind me, and the door that I had come through to get here had completely vanished.
My eyes darted back to the tiger. He smelled my presence, and turned around to look at me with intense, predatory eyes.
He got up and started making a big circle around me, and I could feel how he was deciding how he would kill me and eat me.
There was no place to escape.
I shut my eyes in terror, and started to pray feverishly. I tried to influence him telepathically by saying in my mind with desperate hope, “he loves me, he doesn’t want to eat me, he wants to keep me alive!!!!” But I could sense that not only did these prayers put me into more panic, but that the tiger was getting more and more enraged because of them.
I tried again to telepathically control him by putting images into his mind of him wanting to ignore me, becoming disinterested, or even being disgusted by me, but this didn’t work either. When I opened my eyes, I realized that the tiger was now only a couple feet in front of me.
As he prepared to pounce, I realized that those would be the last breaths that I would take.
I shut my eyes.
“If I shall die now, I will die with grace.”
I felt myself…… let go.
“I accept my death. I accept my fate. I shall leave this world with love. I fill myself with love. I accept. I love myself. I love the tiger. I am grace. I am peace. I am made of pure love.”
Suddenly, I felt warm and soft fur caress my right hand,
… and then the weight of a huge head as it was slowly rested onto my lap.
Deep gratitude and awe flooded my every cell. Tears came from my eyes as I opened them again.
The tiger’s body was circled around me, and he looked up at me with huge, relaxed, angel eyes.
He purred so loudly that the vibrations shook me, reassured me, and healed me.
The scene dissolved, and I was back in my bed on planet earth.
What I have felt when asking myself for the meaning of this vision, is that searching outside of ourselves gives our power away.
If we want to make ANY change in the outside world, we have to change who we are first.
The moment that I changed my inner state to one of love and acceptance instead of control, the scene shifted irreversibly, and it would have been impossible for me to see the tiger in any other way than love after that.
I wish you all a beautiful Febuary and love you so much,
